Objectives of the Practice
M.K.E.S. College of Law believes that to enhance teaching learning, it is important to
provide training to the teachers, taking into consideration their needs and hence our
Institution has adopted the concept of Competency Based Skill Matrix wherein
training programmes are organized to hone the educators’ skills and update them with
the latest developments in the field of law and research.
The Context
Training helps in increasing the productivity and efficiency of an individual and it also
helps in meeting the desired goals of an Institution and provides a positive outcome.
In order to identify the field in which the training is required, the Competency Based Skill Matrix has been divided into 5 different levels - Subject Knowledge, Research
Publication/ Application knowledge, Leadership, Online Training/ Class engagement/
Technical software and Administrative Skills/ Stress Management/ Time Management
skills. The teachers are asked to mark the field in which the training is required and
accordingly programmes are organized. The trainers are selected as per the
requirement, after which the effectiveness of the programme in terms of the impact on
the participants is measured for some months in order to calculate the success.
The Practice
At the beginning of the academic year, the faculties are required to fill up the
Competency Based Skill Matrix and are required to specify the particular area in
which the upgrading of skills such as research, presentation skills, administrative
skills, etc. is required. The same is forwarded to the Principal and then to the IQAC
Co-Ordinator for approval. Then, the data that is collected is looked into in order to
arrive at an overall Competency Based Skill Matrix for the Institution. On the basis of
the results obtained, the areas are identified and training programmes are organized
for faculty members. Based upon the requirement, the faculties are provided with the
training of highest quality in order to obtain the expected outcome. Utmost care is
taken that the training also leads to the Holistic Development of the Faculties and it is
also ensured that the trainers have the requisite knowledge and expertise. The
outcome of the training provided is also determined with the help of feedback forms
as it helps to analyse whether the training objectives are met and also in the
identification of the areas of improvement. The summary of the feedback analysis is
prepared for future reference. It also involves the practice of looking into the
effectiveness of the training programme after a period of 1 month, 3 months and 6
month in order to measure the overall impact of the training programme and to draw a
conclusion regarding the effectiveness of these programmes in filling the gaps shown
in the matrix.
Evidence of Success
The effectiveness of the training programmes provided to the faculty as per the data
collected in the competency based skill matrix is determined by conducting the
analysis of the feedback form collected from the faculties. This analysis helps to
understand whether a particular training programme was effective by judging the
amount of knowledge and skills gained by them and also by ascertaining if they could
implement the same practically. The analysis of the feedback received from the
participants for the training programmes conducted for our faculty reveals an average
effectiveness rate of more than 90%. Some training programmes were in the nature of
information sharing and hence their effectiveness is difficult to be measured in terms
of time frames of 1 month, 3 months and 6 months. However, the knowledge gained
by the teaching faculty from training programmes on practical topics shows that the
outcome is positive and the training has been beneficial to them since they could
practically implement it in the relevant aspects of their work life.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
The training programme initiated for the faculties carries along with it many
challenges. After the identification of training needs, the main challenge is selecting a
training programme that will achieve the desired result. In addition to it, getting
competent and qualified trainers with the requisite experience and expertise is often
difficult. In cases of training programmes that deal with topics of a general nature, it
becomes difficult to ascertain the effectiveness in the time frame of 1 month, 3 months
and 6 months.
Notes (Optional)
The training programme for teachers on the basis of Competency Based Skill Matrix
which is adopted as a Best Practice by our Institution is very essential as such
programmes equip the faculties with techniques and strategies and also helps in their
professional development. The training programme helps the faculties to face new
challenges and changes in the educational world. Well planned training programmes
improve the quality of teaching which in turn benefits the learners.