M.K.E.S College of Law. Mumbai logo
Malad Kandivli Education Society's


Accredited by NAAC with B Grade (CGPA - 2.44)
ISO 21001 -2018 Certified

Best Practices I


Objectives of the Practice

To sensitize learners about the issue of hunger among the economically weaker members of society, M.K.E.S. College of law has created a channel through which student volunteers distribute food packets to the destitute every day of the year. This practice, known as Project Poshan is adopted with an objective to instill compassion and a sense of social responsibility among our learners.

The Context

M.K.E.S College of law, along with providing education to its students, aims at creating awareness amongst the young learners that they are the members of the society, a society whose future lies in their own hands. This initiative saw its first phase of development with the adoption of an Adivasi village at Karambeliwadi, Pen Taluka, Raigad District in 2017. During educational activities it was observed that the children in this village were malnourished which made us initiate our project - Project Poshan - Nourishing the malnourished in August 2017.

The Practice

In order to proceed with Project-Poshan in a systematic manner, student volunteers are appointed who strictly monitor and take care of the necessary requirements for its implementation. Student Co-Ordinators are also appointed for this project, and are tasked with the responsibility of preparing the distribution timetable for this project.Once the timetable is prepared, the other members of the team help in the execution of the same. Through this distribution drive we also make sure that the each of the volunteer gets the opportunity to take the lead role, thereby honing the leadership skills in them. We ensure that every member of our team is positively involved in our project.

The most challenging phase for our students in implementing this Project was the Pandemic of 2020 due to the restrictions imposed by the Government, but even in this situation our student volunteers made sure to reach out to the destitute regularly during night with food packets and they also made sure that the extremely poor in the vicinity of their homes were taken care of. The Institution has also adopted a project titled ‘Patang’ where, student volunteers of Youth with Vision have been visiting old age homes and orphanages in Malad, Kandivali and Panvel. As part of the Project Patang, our students also provide Ayurvedic Massage and Hot Water Therapy to the elderly villagers of Karambeliwadi. Their floors are floored with cow dung and their clothes are washed by our male students. This is done on a regular basis.

Evidence of Success

MThe adoption of Project Poshan and Project Patang has helped us to build a strong relationship with the villagers; our constant visits to meet them have also made them feel that they too have a family that cares for them. The regular visits of the student are eagerly awaited by these villagers. This has also helped our students to build compassion towards each other which is one of the Fundamental Duties given to us in the Constitution of India.

The various activities and social work organized by our students has earned M.K.E.S. College of law a lot of goodwill and support from the locals which in turn acts as motivation for our students. This shows that such practices help in the implementation of human rights and the inculcation of collective responsibility amongst the students.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Our volunteers faced problems in transporting the food items and other required groceries and also at times have faced a shortage of food. With regard to the elderly in Karambeliwadi, hygiene is the biggest issue and needs to be resolved by providing sanitation and other facilities.


Social work helps in the development of empathy in students; it helps the students in building relationships and also in understanding the different perspectives. It not only helps in increasing the social interactions that boost mental health but also helps to improve the physical health of the students. Our Institution is planning similar activities that can have a lasting impact. For Instance, projects to facilitate better sanitation and hygiene of the residents of the villagers of Karambeliwadi are being considered.

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