M.K.E.S College of Law. Mumbai logo
Malad Kandivli Education Society's


Accredited by NAAC with B Grade (CGPA - 2.44)
ISO 21001 -2018 Certified

The infrastructure is the base on which the Educational Environment can be built, and hence we have nearly provided the best possible infrastructure.


Campus is a place which creates a positive aura & healthy environment that welcomes the students. Our Campus spread over an area of 5.75 Acres is situated in a clean, peaceful atmosphere.

We leave no stone unturned when it comes to cleanliness. The college has hired the housekeeping services for the clean and hygienic environment. There is a routine cleaning of the entire Campus. Also The campus is guarded by well-trained security guards including lady guards at gates. The campus remains under observation through CCTV cameras positioned at strategic points round-the-clock Classroom

There are an adequate number of Classrooms. All classrooms are air conditioned and designed as per High standards. The teaching is imparted with help of LCD projector and other sophisticated teaching Aid.


There are adequate number of Classroom s. All classrooms are airconditioned and designed as per High Stanadards. The teaching is impatrted with help of LCD projector and other sophisticated teaching Aid.

classroom and interior


A well stocked library with automated system is one of the attractions of M.K.E.S. College of the Law. It subscribes to leading international and national journals in the domain of law. The library also subscribes to Manupatra database. The training sessions on how to use library resources and the databases are conducted on regular basis.

The Library is open from 09:00 am to 5:00 pm. Library remain closed on all Sundays and Public Holidays


Moot Court

The Moot Court Hall or Room is like a practice room for a student to get accustomed to the atmosphere of the Courts as well as improve his skills in law and advocacy law. In a Moot Court, a hypothetical case is given to the students and are allowed to argue the given case. Moot Court helps the students of law in many ways since it is a practical legal training, which helps to build analytical reasoning, legal aptitude, team building skills and above all make them responsive and ready to join practice after competition of their degree course.

Moot court room

Computer Laboratory

To meet the growing challenge of internet usage & e-learning, the supports faculty and students in their research Computer centre is fully equipped with 24 hr internet facility& many latest computer software to provide students with ample opportunities to develop their skills and enhance their knowledge.

Computer lab


The college has state of the art gymkhana Facility for Students and Faculty.



Our Canteen makes available snacks and meals to the students, faculty and staff throughout the day. The area is beautifully designed with proper seating arrangement and has become a place for relaxation and discussions.



The institute has an air-conditioned Auditorium equipped with the latest audio/ video facilities. Guest Speakers and Eminent Personalities deliver talks on various aspects of law which give a practical outlook to the students and sharpen their mental level and skills by creating awareness.


Management Board Room : 

The institute has an air-conditioned Board Room.

Board Room : 

The institute has an air-conditioned Board Room with Smart Board facility.

Seminar Hall 

The institute has an air-conditioned 2 Seminar Halls  equipped with the latest audio and video facilities with seating capacity of 60. 

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