M.K.E.S College of Law. Mumbai logo
Malad Kandivli Education Society's


Accredited by NAAC with B Grade (CGPA - 2.44)
ISO 21001 -2018 Certified



“Nothing can replace Hard work So to Win, keep trying till you succeed!"

Being a prime institute of the city we aspire that every pupil of the institute should touch the pinnacle of their respective stream. We envision that every seed sown by us should flourish into a fruitful tree. Beyond this, we implore the divine for her grace and blessing for us to accomplish our destination.



To achieve excellence in all facets of legal education

M.K.E.S. College of Law, seeks to develop & provide a platform for a wholesome form of legal education by focusing particularly upon imparting in-depth subject knowledge; enhancing the skill of advocacy; social & legal services in the form of legal aid & advice, acknowledgement of contemporary legal issues and law reforms which to a great extent lays the foundation of modern legal education.


  • To impart qualitative and valuable service in the field of education.
  • To attain community and social development.
  • To ensure and inculcate self-discipline among students.
  • To aim at holistic development of students.
  • To enable students to take up and face challenges in the competitive world.
  • To help students in discovering their latent talents and grooming them.
  • To instil awareness about social and ecological issues among students to make them socially conscious active citizens.
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