Discipline and Rules

Teaching Hours

The Lectures timing is 8.00 a.m.  to 12:30 p.m. Practical Training, tutorials moot court and case study classes are held after lectures.

Office Hours

The working hours for the college office are 09.00 a.m. to 04.30 p.m.  Monday to Saturday (Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays)

(Lunch Break will be observed from 01.00 pm to 01.30 pm)

Counter Timings 

9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

Library Hours

 :9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Saturday (Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays)

Attendance Adherence

The term “working days” mean all such days where physical/virtual lectures are delivered. If a student remains absent even for a single lecture of a day, he/she will be treated as absent for the whole day. Sending up a student for the University examination shall depend on:

1.  Required attendance           2.  Satisfactory performance & progress           3.  Good conduct within the College.

Ordinance No. 6086

Every Bonafide learner shall ordinarily be allowed to keep terms for the given semester in a program of his enrolment, only if he fulfils at least seventy five percent of the attendance taken as an average of the total number of lectures, practical, tutorials etc. wherein short and /or long excursions/ field visits/ study tours organized by the college and supervised by the teachers as envisaged in the syllabus shall be credited to his attendance for the total number of periods which are otherwise delivered on the material day/s. Further, it is mandatory for every learner to have minimum 50% attendance for each course & average attendance has to be 75%.

The same ratio shall be applied for computing the attendance of the learner by crediting the number of periods which are missed while participating in an extracurricular/ co-curricular activity/ competition/ camp/ workshop/ convention/ symposium/ seminar etc. where the said learner is officially representing the college/ University/ District/ State/ Country with the permission of the Principal/ Director/ head of the College / Institute/ University Department or by the direction of the University Officer as the case may be wherein for the purpose.

Relevant Rule of the Bar Council of India

Save as provided in Section 24 (1)(iii) of the Advocates Act, 1961, a degree in Law obtained from any University in the territory of India after the 12 March, 1967 shall not be recognized for purposes of Section 24 (1)(iii) of the Act unless the following conditions are fulfilled.

  1. That at the time of joining the course of instruction in Law for a degree in Law, he is a graduate of a University, or possesses such academic qualification which are considered equivalent to a graduates degree of a University by the Bar Council of India.
  2. The Law degree has been obtained after undergoing a course of study in Law for a minimum period of three years as provided in these rules, and
  3. That the course of study in Law has been regular attendance at the requisite number of lectures, tutorials, moot courts, and practical training given by a college affiliated to a University recognized by the Bar Council of India.


  • Decent dress code must be maintained by all the students while they remain anywhere within the premises of the College (Ripped design, Transparent material, party-wear design, short dresses and shorts of any kind, etc should be avoided)
  • Formal Advocate’s attire (White formal shirt, black formal trousers and white and black Indian attire for girls is allowed) will be compulsorily followed by every student on every day and during Examination

* Non-adherence of the dress code with be treated as a disciplinary breach and the student will not be  allowed to enter the college premises in such attire.   

  • Attendance is compulsory at all examinations and lectures, including seminars and moot court, all college events etc. The attendance and the work of the students in the seminars, classes, moot court etc. and also the progress at the College examinations and also their overall conduct will be taken into consideration while granting their terms and deciding their eligibility for the university examination.
  • Conduct of the students in the class as well as in the premises of the College shall be such, as will cause no disturbance to fellow students or to other classes.
  • Students must not loiter about or congregate in the college premises while the classes are in progress. Students shall do nothing either inside or outside the college that will, in any way, interfere with college administration and hence must be strictly avoided.
  • Students must take proper care of the college property and help in keeping the premises neat and clean. Any damage done to the property of the College will have to be compensated by the student.
  • In the premises of the College or in the name of the college, no Society, Association, Organization etc. shall be formed or collection be made, tickets be sold, function or meeting be held, person be invited to address students, social be arranged nor anything be printed, notice be up on the notice board nor announcements be made without the permission of the Principal.
  • Students should, in their own interest, read notices placed on the notice boards and website from time to time. All meetings, functions, programmes etc. must be organized / conducted only under the supervision and control of and presided over by the Principal or by any other staff member authorized by the Principal. Students must not engage themselves in any political work in the College premises. Students should not  communicate, without previous permission of the Principal, any information or write about any matter to the Press, relating to the college.
  • If for any reason, the continuance of a student in the College is, in the opinion of the Principal, detrimental to the best interests of discipline of the College, she/he may direct such action as deemed fit by them
  • Students securing admission to the College are required to abide by all the Rules, Regulations and Instructions that may be issued by the College Authorities from time to time and submit to the normal enforcement of the same to the satisfaction of the College Authorities, whose decision in all matters shall be final and the same shall not be called in question on any ground whatsoever.
  • No excursions, picnics or tours can be arranged without the prior permission of the Principal. The permission may be granted, if an application is submitted by the students to the Principal through the members of the staff accompanying the students, at least one week prior to the scheduled date. The students will have to give an undertaking that they will behave properly and obey all instructions of the staff members' in-charge, going at their cost and consequences. The College will not be held responsible for any untoward incident that may happen on an excursion, a picnic or a tour. When an application for permission is submitted, it will be presumed that the students have taken previous permission from their parents/ guardians to join the picnic etc.
  • Prohibition of sale of Cigarettes or Tobacco Products

Section 6 of the Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003 provides that no person shall sell, offer for sale or permit sale of cigarettes or any other Tobacco Product:

a)            To any person who is under eighteen years of age.

b)            In an area within a radius of 100 yards of any educational institution.

Sale of Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products in an area within a radius of 100 yards of an educational Institution is strictly prohibited and is a punishable offence under S.24 of the Act with a fine which may extend up-to 200 rupees.

Identity Card

 Identity card issued at the time of admission is valid for three years. Students shall keep their identity cards with them at all times while they remain in the College premises, and shall produce it whenever required by any member of the College staff. Every student must show his/her identity card to the security personnel at the gate, failing which he may not be allowed to enter the college premises. Identity card is not transferable and must be produced whenever demanded. In case of loss of identity card, student should inform about the loss to the College Office. A duplicate identity card may be issued with the permission of the Principal and on payment of Rs. 100/-.

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