M.K.E.S College of Law. Mumbai logo
Malad Kandivli Education Society's


Accredited by NAAC with B Grade (CGPA - 2.44)
ISO 21001 -2018 Certified

Additional Examination

A) Additional Internal Assessment:


Eligibility norms to appear for the additional class test or assignment or project for learners who remained absent:

  1. The learner must apply to the Head of the Institution giving the reason(s) for absence within 8 days of the conduct of the examination along with the necessary documents and testimonials.
  2. If the learner is absent for participation in Inter-Collegiate events, State or National or International level events, training camp or coaching camp organised by authorised university or state or national or international bodies, NSS/NCC Events/Camps/Cultural activities/Sports activities/Research festival or any other activities authenticated by the head of the institution, or for any other reason which is considered valid under the circumstances and to the satisfaction of the Principal or the Head of the Institute OR fails in Internal Assessment the Head of the Institution shall generally grant permission to the learner to appear for the additional class test or assignment.
  3. The Head of the Institution, on scrutiny of the documents and testimonials, may grant the permission to the learner to appear for the additional examination.


Class test or assignment for Internal Assessment:


  1. A learner who is absent for the class test and the assignment/s will be declared fail in the Internal Assessment Scheme.
  2. A learner who is absent for the class test and has appeared for the assignment/s will be allowed to appear for the additional class test of 10 marks.
  3. A learner who has appeared for the class test but remains absent for the assignment/s will be allowed to appear for one additional assignment/class test for of 30 marks and the internal assessment will be calculated as out of 40 marks.
  4. A learner who is absent for the class test or one assignment as the case may be the learner will be allowed to appear for the additional class test/assignment and the internal assessment will be calculated as out of 40 marks. The Additional Class Test (or viva examination) or Assignment must be conducted 15 days prior to the commencement of the Semester End Examination after following the necessary procedure and completing the formalities.


B) Semester End Examinations


Eligibility to Appear for Additional Semester End Examination:

  1. A learner who does not appear, i.e. remains absent in some or all the courses on medical grounds or for representing the college/university in sports, cultural activities, or in the activities of NSS, NCC or sports training camps conducted by recognized bodies/competent authorities or for any other reason which is considered valid under exceptional circumstances and to the satisfaction of the Principal or the Head of the Institute OR fails in some or all the subjects is eligible to appear for the additional examination.


  1. A learner who does not appear for both the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination shall not be eligible to appear for the additional Semester End Examination.


  1. The additional Semester End Examination shall be of two hours duration and of 60 marks per course. The learner shall appear for the course of the Semester End Examination for which he/she was absent or has failed. Learners who are punished under O.5050 are not eligible to appear for this additional examination.


B) Additional Semester End Examinations


Eligibility to Appear For Additional Semester End Examination:


  1. There will be one additional Semester End Examination for semester I, II, III and IV only for those who have failed or remained absent.
  2. The absent learner will be allowed to appear for the examination by the head of the institution after following the necessary formalities subject to the reasons to the satisfaction of the head of the institution.
  3. A learner who does not appear, i.e. remains absent in some or all the courses on medical grounds or for representing the college/university in sports, cultural activities, activities of NSS, NCC or sports training camps conducted by recognised bodies/competent authorities or for any other reason which is considered valid under exceptional circumstances and to the satisfaction of the Principal or the Head of the Institute OR fails n some or all the subjects is eligible to appear for the additional examination.
  4. This examination will be held 20 days after the declaration of results but not later than 40 days.
  5. The additional Semester End Examination shall be of two hours duration and of 60 marks per course. The learner shall appear for the course of the Semester End Examination for which he/she was absent or has failed. Learners who are punished under O.5050 are not eligible to appear for this additional examination. A learner who does not appear for both the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination shall not be eligible to appear for the additional Semester End Examination.
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