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Malad Kandivli Education Society's


Accredited by NAAC with B Grade (CGPA - 2.44)
ISO 21001 -2018 Certified

 Credit Based Evaluation System

 Scheme of Examination for Undergraduate 3 Years LL.B. and 5 Years B.L.S.-LL.B. programme shall be as mentioned below:

The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two components. The learner’s performance shall be assessed by Internal Assessment with 40% marks in the first component by conducting the Semester End Examinations with 60% marks in the second component. The allocation of marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examinations are as shown below:

Internal Assessment – 40% (40 Marks) 


One periodical class test held in the given semester

10 Marks


Subject-specific Term Work Module/assessment modes as decided by the department in the beginning of the semester (like extension/field or experimental work, short quiz; objective test, open book, etc. and written assignments, case study, judgment analysis, projects, papers and exhibits, etc. as shall be designed by the respective colleges for which the assessment is to be based on classroom presentations if so found desirable by the college) to be selflessly assessed by the teacher/s concerned.

20 Marks


Active participation in routine class instructional deliveries (and in practical work, tutorial, field work, extra/co-curricular activities, etc. as the case maybe)

05 Marks


Overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organising related academic activities.

05 Marks



Semester End Examinations – 60% (60 Marks)

1.      Duration – These examinations shall be of 2 Hours duration.

2.      Theory Question Paper Pattern:

·       There shall be four questions as mentioned herein below.

·       All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions.

·     Question may be subdivided into sub-questions a, b, c… and the allocation of marks depends on the weightage of the topic.


Questions to be attempted

Number of

Marks for



120 minutes

Long Answers

2 out of 4

12 marks each

Short Notes

2 out of 4

6 marks each

Situational Problems

2 out of 4

6 marks each

2 Sentences Answers

6 out of 10

2 marks each


Total Marks

60 marks


For the Semesters I to IV of the 5 years B.L.S.-LL.B programme, the assessment of Part A, i.e. Internal Assessment, and Part B, i.e. Semester End Examination shall be processed by the Colleges/Institutions of their learners on behalf of the University and declare their results as per the procedure laid down by the University. The Colleges/Institutions shall accordingly issue the grade cards to them after conversion of marks into grade as per the procedure mentioned in this manual. The format of the grade card is given herein below to maintain the uniformity across the all colleges for the examinations conducted by the colleges on behalf of the University.

For the Semesters I to IV of the 3 years LL.B. programme and Semesters V to VIII of the 5 years B.L.S.-LL.B programmes, the assessment of Part A, i.e. Internal Assessment, and Part B, i.e. Semester End Examination shall be processed by the Colleges/Institutions of their learners on behalf of the University and declare their results as per the procedure laid down by the University. The Colleges/Institutions shall accordingly issue the grade cards to them after conversion of marks into grade as per the procedure mentioned in this manual. The format of the grade card is given herein below to maintain the uniformity across the all colleges for the examinations conducted by the colleges on behalf of the University.

For the Semesters V & VI of the 3 years LL.B. programme and Semesters IX and X of the 5 years B.L.S.-LL.B programmes, the assessment of Part A, i.e. Internal Assessment shall be processed by the Colleges/Institutions on behalf of the University of the learners admitted for the programme while the University shall conduct the assessment of Part B, i.e. Semester End Examination. The Internal Assessment marks of learners appearing for these Semesters shall be submitted to the University by the respective colleges/Institutions before commencement of respective Semester End Examinations. The Semester End Examinations for Semesters V & VI of the 3 years LL.B. programme and Semesters IX and X of the 5 years B.L.S.-LL.B programmes shall be conducted by the University and the results shall be declared after processing the internal assessment and the marks awarded to the learners. The grade cards shall be issued by the University after converting the marks into grades.

Conducting Applied Component Courses’ Examinations 

 The examinations for the Applied Component Group Courses/Papers of the of the 3 years LL.B. programme and of the 5 years B.L.S.-LL.B. programme, respectively, shall be conducted by the respective college/institutions of their learners on behalf of the University and finalise their results as per the rules and regulations laid down by the University from time to time. The marks of the Applied Component Courses of learners appearing shall be submitted to the University by the respective Colleges/Institutions before commencement of the next ensuing Even Semester’s semester end examinations.

Passing Standard (for Undergraduate Law Programmes)

The learners to pass a course shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination taken together; however, the learners shall have to obtain minimum of 30% marks in the Internal Assessment (i.e. 12 out of 40) and 30% marks in Semester End Examination (i.e. 18 out of 60) separately, to pass the course and minimum of Grade E in each course, to pass a particular semester. A learner will be said to have passed the course if the learner passes the Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination.

Carry Forward of the Marks in Case if the Learner Gets ‘F’ Grade in One or More Subjects

1) A learner who PASSES in the Internal Examination but FAILS in the Semester End Examination of the course shall reappear for the Semester End Examination of that course. However, his/her marks of the Internal Examinations shall be carried over and he/she shall be entitled for grade obtained by him/her on passing.

2) A learner who PASSES in the Semester End Examination but FAILS in the Internal Assessment of the course shall reappear for the Internal Examination of that course. However, his/her marks of the Semester End Examination shall be carried over and he/she shall be entitled for grade obtained by him/her on passing.

3) No learner shall be allowed to appear at the End Semester Examinations of Semester 2, 4 and 6 of three years LL.B. programme and Semesters 6, 8 and 10 of the five years B.L.S.-LL.B. programme unless he/she has passed in the Applied Component Courses/Papers of the respective academic years (corresponding semesters) of the 3 years LL.B. programme or the 5 years B.L.S.-LL.B. programme as the case may be; and the colleges shall be at liberty to conduct re-examinations of the Applied Component Courses either in the same semesters and/or in the next semesters of the both the programmes. In case of the learner’s failure to pass in the abovementioned respective Applied Component Courses/Papers the marks and the credits obtained by such learner in Internal Assessment shall be carried forward.

4) A learner who, before coming into force of these CBGS pattern rules, is already admitted to the first or second year of the three years or the first to fourth years of the five years B.L.S.-LL.B. programmes under the presently prevailing examination system, shall have shall be evaluated for his higher classes/semester (i.e. to the class/semesters to which he will be admitted hereinafter) under the evaluation pattern as per the provisions of rules under 5.3 herein above for his higher classes; i.e. the said learner in his higher classes has to undertake Internal Assessment and End Semester Examinations and to pass in both Internal Assessment of 40 marks and End Semester Examination by obtaining a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination taken together with minimum of 30% of the marks each in the Internal Assessment and in Semester End Examination separately, to pass the course and minimum of Grade E in such course/courses, to pass a particular semester. However, such learner shall not be granted any grades or credit as envisaged herein.

5) A learner who, before coming into force of the CBGS pattern, is already admitted to the first or second year of the three years or first to fourth of the five years B.L.S.-LL.B. Programme under the present examination system and who has not passed in any or either of the subjects/courses shall be evaluated under the evaluation pattern as per the provision contained herein above this revised evaluation pattern for the courses/subjects he has not passed; and in the subject/course in which he is not passed has to pass in both Internal Assessment and End Semester Examination by obtaining a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination taken together; with minimum 30% of marks each in the Internal Assessment and in Semester End Examination separately, to pass the course to pass a particular previous semester. However, for such learner, who is reappearing for the examination in the remaining (failed) course/courses, the Internal Examination will consist of one project of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the documentation of the project, 10 marks for the presentation and 10 marks for the viva. And in his final mark sheet of the said semester total of the Internal Assessment and End Semester Examination shall be shown in aggregate (without showing split of Internal Assessment Component and Semester End Examination Components) as the marks obtained by the learner in such course/courses (i.e. subject/subjects) for which he reappeared. However, such learner shall not be granted any grades or credit as envisaged herein.

6) When a learner does not pass in all the courses/subjects of the semester in one and the same attempt/examination held, and passes in all the courses/subjects of any semester by passing in the remaining subjects in the subsequent attempt or examinations held subsequently, the last marksheet be issued to the learner by incorporating the passing marks obtained by the learner in the courses he passed in the previous attempts/examinations held by carrying forward the passing marks obtained by the learner in all the courses at the previous examinations/attempts.

1 One periodical class test held in the given semester 10 Marks
2 Subject-specific Term Work Module/assessment modes as decided by the department in the beginning of the semester (like extension/field or experimental work, short quiz; objective test, open book, etc. and written assignments, case study, judgment analysis, projects, papers and exhibits, etc. as shall be designed by the respective colleges for which the assessment is to be based on classroom presentations if so found desirable by the college) to be selflessly assessed by the teacher/s concerned. 20 Marks
3 Active participation in routine class instructional deliveries (and in practical work, tutorial, field work, extra/co-curricular activities, etc. as the case maybe) 05 Marks
4 Overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organising related academic activities. 05 Marks
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